15 Thoughts on “The Key of Life”

  • MAN OF GOD: Please let me know when you will be coming to the United States. Can you come to Atlanta?

    Another thing, you are going to Malabo, will it be possible for you to touch down at Uyo International Airport then?

    MAN OF GOD: Bless me and my Ministry in the U.S. Thank you. May God bless you. Amen

    • Mercy Land: Arena of solution and power. Je suis toujours très ravi chaque fois que je me connecte sur Mercy Tv et quand je vois comment notre seigneur Jésus Christ transforme des vies à travers le prophète Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin.je glorifie Dieu et je lui rends infiniment grâce pour cet impact miraculeux et merveilleux sur la vie des hommes. Béni soit tu Seigneur,Dieu d’Israël, d’éternité en éternité. Aussi vrai qu’il n’y a pas de distance en spiritualité, que cette année soit mon année de miracles et de grands exploits au nom de Jésus. Toute la gloire te revienne Jésus. Longue vie au prophète Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin et à Mercy Tv. Soyez bénis au nom glorieux de Jésus Christ.

  • Good evening Man of God . I have had so much about you daddy and watch most of ur program online . I will like God in my life as my life I really dont understand myself anymore and my family life..I need your prayer man of God. I will be coming to Nigeria on the 4th of next month which I will be in warri 5th of next month . I will like to attend your church and If possible talk to you . I really need deliverance. I stay in united kingdom and have my new family here but my relationship is not going well dont really know what’s the problem. this is my second relationship and is not working again. I am tired of all this in my life cant even talk to people anymore or my family back home in Nigeria becaue2 I feel I have failed . Man of God please Sir I need Goda direction in my life again.

  • Good morning sir, pls papa ,I want you to speak a word to my life and command disease of diabetes out of my body, am from Nigeria but presently in India new Delhi, my name is olusegun babatunde .
    daddy I need ur prayer, I can’t come there’ for now pain allover my body.. I know God can use you sir

    Thank you sir

  • Hi pastor my name is gwendoline pelage pray for me and agood job I am single I have no won’t to give me but to work for my self please pastor help me for me to to get a job thank u o Lord

  • man of God pray for me and the family for things to start movio,no one has a good job everything is dragging. plz man of God I personally believe that your God answers.

  • Hi mercyland,
    Thanks for an uplifting ministry. I watch all the time and I live in the United States . I want to learn more about living my life in the kingdom of heaven with Jesus our Lord God. Please keep me and our family in your prayers.

    Love you all Maria 🌹 and k

  • Good evening man of God, you’ve been a blessing to this generation, you are indeed the Jeremiah of our time anf days, but sir i really need your support on my ACAMEDICS HAVE TRIED MY BEST TO GO TO SCHOOL, HAVE WTITTEN JAMB AND POST UME, EVEN GOTTEN ADMISSION BUT NO SPONSORER. PLS MAN OF GOD HELP ME OUT. AM FROM BAYELSA STATE, RESIDE IN YENAGOA. FROM SOUTHERN IJAW KOROKOROSEI.

  • My name is Evangelist Veronica Davis.
    I have been watching you about 2 years i am a jamaican but i live in winter haven florida i pray with you and introduce your ministry to my friends because i want them to receive what i have receive from your preaching i contributed to your ministry about 4 times but i was not sure you were receiving my offering so i stop for awhile but now i believe i have the right connection. I will send my offering to you as much as i can as the lord bless me i will give to your ministry you are doing a good work for the lord. I have learned a lot from you. I am praying for God to flood me with his annointing that i may see with the eyes of the lord and heal with the hands of the lord as he give me utterance my name is veronica Davis iam married, i am bless with 3 daughters which i loves very much for they are gifts from the lord. My oldest daughter is married but she has no children she wants prayer for her to carry her Samuel locate her papa and please adopt me i want to be your spiritual daughter ilove the lord so much may he used me to be his servant. Papa locate me and be my spiritual father
    I attend st Paul worship center but my bishop will be resigning in march l pray for my bishop but i just want to connect to you and mercyland ministry my goals are to return to Jamaica and ask the lord to give me the souls of my country for his glory i am hungry for souls my country is under the attack of the enemy too much killing and wickedness my people hearts have turned to stone very hartless l need the anointing of God to face the enemy bless me daddy that god will get the glory also bless my husband that he will be strengthen in the lordmy

  • I listen to your testimony man of God as you explain your journey from the first ministry to the trying to commit suicide in the wilderness to mercyland ministry i see the way you bless others i see you specialize in delivering people from generations curse bring healing to the body of christ i never knew true men of God exist until i tune into the african charismatic movement men of God like alph lukau, TB joshua, Charis ministry, and Mercyland ministry with you papa, but i see you are a humble man of God and you minister to physical, and the spiritual needs of the people you feed them and you also bless Them financially papa i want to be a woman of God that god with favor and honor i ask you papa to bless me and be my spiritual father thank you .i will be your extended hand in jamaica.i want to be your ambassador of mercyland in Jamaica bless me Papa. I am awoman that wears many hats teacher, Evangelist , mother,singer, producer of 9 gospels albums, certified hairstyle , Ba in public administration, Aa in accounting, Certified nursing Assistant open many business but daddy i am broke . I know the enemy is trying to destroy me but i wont give up i keep trying harder and harder pray with me daddy.

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